Gnomic Glamerpriest
Hit Die
: d6Requirements:
Class Skills: The Gnomic Glamerpriest's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (CHA), Concentration (CON), Craft (INT), Disable Device (INT), Disguise (CHA), Heal (WIS), Hide (DEX), Knowledge [Arcana and Religion] (INT), Pick Pockets (DEX), Scry (INT), and Spellcraft (INT)
Skill Points: 4 + INT bonus each level
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Gnomic Glamerpriest is proficient with all simple weapons, with all types of armor (light, medium, and heavy) and with shields.
Table: The Gnomic Glamerpriest
Level |
Base Attack Bonus |
Fortitude Save |
Reflex Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1st |
+0 |
+0 |
+0 |
+2 |
Divine Illusionist, Manipulate Divine Energy, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
2nd |
+1 |
+0 |
+0 |
+3 |
Skill Focus, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
3rd |
+2 |
+1 |
+1 |
+3 |
Trickery, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
4th |
+3 |
+1 |
+1 |
+4 |
Skill Focus, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
5th |
+3 |
+1 |
+1 |
+4 |
Mastery of Illusion, +1 Level Divine Spellcasting |
Class Features
+1 Level Divine Spellcasting: A Gnomic Glamerpriest continues training in his previous divine class(es), thus, when a new Gnomic Glamerpriest level is gained, the character gains new spells per day and increased caster level as if he had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved turning ability, for example). This essentially means that he adds the level of Gnomic Glamerpriest to the level of some other divine spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one divine spellcasting class before he became a Gnomic Glamerpriest, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Gnomic Glamerpriest for purposes of determining spells per day and caster level when he adds the new level.
Divine Illusionist: The glamerpriest focuses on trickery and illusion. They gain all the benefits of specializing in the school of illusion, they gain a bonus spell per day of each spell level they can cast which can be used only to prepare spells from the school of illusion (clerics have very few illusion spells, however this is of no concern to the glamerpriest, as the next paragraph will reveal). This is in addition to their bonus domain spell slots. They gain a +2 bonus to all Spellcraft checks related to illusions. However, just like specialists, they must select a prohibited school or schools from the following choices: (1) either Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, or Transmutation; or (2) both Divination and Necromancy. Spells of the school or schools that the glamerpriest gives up are not available to her, and she can't even cast such spells from scrolls or wands. (Enchantment is the suggested choice for glamerpriest opposition school). If spells of the opposed school appear on one or more of your domain lists, you may still prepare that spell in a domain slot, as the spell is granted in a different way, but you may not prepare it in a regular slot. The glamerpriest also loses access to the other domain she had (she keeps only her Trickery domain), losing access to both the domain power as well as the spell list.
In return for her devotion to illusion and trickery, the glamerpriest’s access to illusions is greatly enhanced. All illusion spells from all spell lists (arcane or divine) are considered to be part of their spell list as well. They can prepare these spells as divine spells, but they only have access to those from classes they could qualify to advance in. Thus, they must meet any alignment restrictions of those core classes from whose spell lists they wish to use illusion spells. They must also qualify for any prestige class (just qualify, they need not take actual levels in it) if they wish to tap into their spell list in this way as well. Thus, ranger, sorcerer and wizard spell lists are freely open (no requirements for these classes), while the bard list requires the glamerpriest to be non-lawful, the paladin spell list requires a lawful/good alignment and the druid spell list requires the glamerpriest to be neutral in some aspect. This same reasoning applies to spell lists from prestige classes.
Finally, the glamerpriest is considered an Illusionist for purposes of the gnomic favored class. She treats all her cleric levels now as if they were Illusionist levels for purposes of her favored class only.
Manipulate Divine Energy: Glamerpriests focus on using diversion and trickery to confound their foes. In this regard, Garl allows his glamerpriests to freely use both sides of the divine energy available to clerics. Garl instructs all his glamerpriests in the ability to tap into the negative side of his otherwise positive divine energy when such will best suit the glamerpriest. Glamerpriests can freely choose to either turn or command undead (they can do both, using whichever method best suits them at any given moment). They can also spontaneously convert spells into either cure or inflict spells, able to access both of these methods, using whichever the moment calls for. In addition, glamerpriests add their glamerpriest levels to their cleric levels when determining their ability to turn/command the undead.
Skill Focus: At level 2, glamerpriests can choose the Skill Focus feat for free applied to any one of the following skills: Bluff, Disguise or Hide. At level 4 they can choose Skill Focus in another of these skills.
Trickery: Glamerpriests are so adept at using illusions, that they can even overcome spells, protections and immunities to illusions. Only the lack of a mind (as in the case of skeletons, zombies, vermin, and the like with no INT score) guarantees one immunity to the mind-affecting illusions of a glamerpriest, all other immunities, magic or mundane, can be overcome. Whenever a spell (like true seeing) would negate illusions for the user, the user of that spell must make a Spell Penetration roll against the illusion spell of the glamerpriest to actually see through it using the spell. The IR (Illusion Resistance) of the glamerpriest is equal to 11 + her total character level (the glamerpriest draws upon all his powers when crafting illusions). If the spell fails to penetrate the IR, that illusion is not detected by the spell as being such. Of course the usual Will save is still permitted once the subject interacts with it, but that spell fails to recognize it as an illusion automatically. This same method applies to all who have the ability to see through illusions with some special ability or spell or immunity.
Likewise, if a glamerpriest encounters an immunity to his illusions as he casts them, he can make a Spell Penetration roll against an SR 11 + HD/Level of the creature with the immunity or the caster level of the spell providing such. In this way, even Kuo-toa can be fooled by glamerpriest illusions and mind blank offers no guarantee of protection from the mind-affecting illusions of glamerpriests either.
Mastery of Illusion: Glamerpriests have mastered the art of illusion to such a degree, that now all illusion spells cast by them are cast as +4 caster level. This applies to all aspects, including spell penetration rolls, resisting dispel magic, and now the IR from her trickery ability for the glamerpriest is 15 + her total character level (4 higher than previously due to the +4 caster level increase). She also penetrates illusion immunity and wards against illusions using her trickery ability at +4 to the roll.